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All-Pro RUSH® supports Scouting!

“Hi everyone, Rod Arnold here. I am proud to announce that, as of the first of 2018, All-Pro RUSH® via our parent company Ericksson Group, Inc.® is a Chartered Organization for the Boy Scouts of America. We support Cub Scout Pack 109 of Cumming, Georgia, which serves over 100 young scouts and is one of the most highly decorated packs in the Northeast Georgia Council.”

“As many know, I have very strong positive feelings for the wonderful outcomes the world of BSA scouting has had both on my relationships with my three young sons as well as my continued efforts to grow personally in youth leadership development skills. BSA programming is second to none; the social development, displays of patriotism and community service outcomes among the boys have been nothing short of remarkable to observe. (We’re also very excited that the programming will welcome girls beginning next year!) The Cub Scouting program feeds directly into the Scouts BSA program beginning in 6th grade. In turn, Boy Scouts eventually graduate with many of the qualities fraternities seek in prospective brothers.”

“Please feel free to call me personally should you have any questions about the programming offered at any grade level by Boy Scouts of America. Our company is proud of our involvement and support towards the continuing legacy of this historic youth leadership program.”